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JerrySales Agency Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...I am a young ambitous small business owner. I am looking for new opportunities. I am very hard working and ready to...ChristineIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...I have over 8 years medical sales experience as an independent repMehdiSales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...I am interested in this offer and i want to work from home to make your salesJerrySales Force Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moVisionary: accomplished, disciplined, self-starter, with ability to develop a road map to success. Consistent record...GregorySales Force Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Highlander Machinery Corporation is distinguishing itself as an organization which provides high value solutions and...MaggieSales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...20+ years in software/systems sales within the healthcare and banking/financial services vertical markets. Most of...CarlosIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moA polished hybrid technical sales professional with experience in building sales channels and selling into the...JeannetteSales Force Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Your product is a match to an existing demographic I service; Senior Patients in the United States.AveryIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am an energetic and ambitious sales professional thatunderstands the intricacies of closing a sale. I have excell...DavidSales Force Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/mo15 year sales veteran. Major account rep for Target, Toys R Us, Fred Meyer, Meijer. Phone sales. Small business...More


Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portalsOther information service activities