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PedroSales Representative Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI have more than 25 years working for international companies that manufacture and supply equipment and services for...VictorSales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI sell hand tools, supplier and other items related to hardware stores.DanielliSales Agency Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaINDEPENDENT SALES REPRESENTATIVEHeatherSales Representative Base SalarySouth America - VenezuelaI grew up in the travel industry, worked within it for many years. Then Canada's largest Live Production Company...MarioIndependent Sales Rep Base SalarySouth America - VenezuelaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moExperience in Develop market.FabianIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - Venezuela!!GustavoManufacturers Representative Base SalarySouth America - VenezuelaIndustrial Engineer with Masters Degree in Automation and 20 years of experience in industrial Sales. Worked in...JulioSales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaAs an Independent Sales Organization we have several opportunities in the Healthcare Market - field of Medical...MartaSales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaTextile Engineer with 18 years of experience in operations and B2B sales at global organizations. Currently represe...LucasSales Representative Commission OnlySouth America - VenezuelaNMore