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Find Companies > Sales Force > Mining and quarrying > Mining of metal ores

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JamesSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of iron...I have worked in machine shop/manufacturing for 20 years. I am also an outdoorsman that has been hunting and fishing...BobSales Force Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of iron...Aggressive sales professional with experience in manaufacturing, distribution real estate and others looking to...George A.Manufacturers Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of iron...While I’m currently in transition my objective is to secure a position where I can plan organize and direct product...JonSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of...Selling Over 1,000,000 USD/moAggressively professional Sales professional with 10+years of cONSUMER product sales,KennethSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of iron...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moHighly motivated sales and marketing rep with twelve years experience in the heavy equipment market, rock, Agri-equ...JohnSales Force Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of...Selling Over 1,000,000 USD/moTenacity, adaptability and in-depth product knowledge are the key attributes that have contributed to my success as...MinIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of iron...Great customer service, 3 years of direct sales, etcBrandonIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAggressively professional Sales professional with entry level skillsDevenIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of...Aggressive sales profetional with 6 years of public relations and sales experience. Very profetional and people...RogerSales Agency Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal ores - Mining of...Selling Over 1,000,000 USD/moWe are a multi line rep company selling diferent products to contractors and suppliers We are more than aggressive...More


Mining of iron oresMining of non-ferrous metal ores