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Find Companies > Sales Agency > Mining and quarrying > Mining of coal and lignite

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Mohamed MahmoudSales Representative Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...I was born in 1988 in Mauritania, I have a master's degree in finance, I have worked in the banking sector for 5...NickManufacturers Representative Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moDear Manager, Having worked within the industry for over 18 years, I have developed a wide range of skills that...DaviIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a commercial representative since more than 20 years in Brazil, working primarily in chemical fields, selling...EmmanuelSales Agency Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...I am Emmanuel Odei Gyebi. I am 52 years married man with Supervising and Administrative skills. I want to work with...RogerSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...CGC Sarl is a West African based company operating as companies products and services representative in Africa....CesarSales Force Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...I´m an engineer working right now, but I want to change the field I´m dedicated, my specialty is Maintenance, relia...YayaManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...I have been experience in business software industry such as ERP, CRM and BI (sales, development and implementation)...PratikSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a Marketing & Sales Professional with Engineering background and Industry Experience of over 8 years in the...AjayManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...Sales profession with expertise in construction equipment,material handling equipment,power generation equipment...AndiSales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of coal and lignite - Mining of...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI have more than 25 years of sales & marketing experience with exposure to South East Asia countries. My experience...More


Mining of hard coalMining of lignite