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CindySales Force Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Experience selling to the architectural market - looking for product line to representHeathSales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Very aggressive Sales Person who has owned companies, managed companies, been a top sales person and top sales...JonSales Agency Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI help small to companies and entrepreneurs to define their ideal customer, design and implement highly effective...BrianManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Seasoned sales professional with extensive experience developing relationships with businesses and consumers.DeborahSales Representative Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...I have extensive experience in the Sales/Marketing industry and several years of work experience as a Sales Merchan...PeterSales Force Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Have had much exposure in the medical field- clinical, sales & mgmt. Currently own a day spa, know principals in the...RobertManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moProfessional Sales ExperienceDuaneIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Currently an independent sales rep for cardiac devices and wound care products. Interface daily with Cardiologists...TomSales Representative Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Seasoned sales agent with professional skills and well connected ties in business fieldKimIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryInformation and communication - Information service activiti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAccount Executive with 14 years selling experience in telecommunications. Looking to engage in workforce. I am in...More


Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portalsOther information service activities