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Find Companies > Sales Agency > Africa > South Sudan

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RussellSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanI have a large network in Africa developed over many years in various industriesFrankSales Agency Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanMy name is Frank Asare Nyadu. I am a Ghanaian, I am 33 years old. I have aquired much experience in sales agency.EpolotSales Rep Draw On CommissionAfrica - South Sudan309ArcadiusSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanWe are honored to seek an opportunity of doing business with your prestigious company. To further explore the possi...MarthaSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanEnthusiastic and extra. always ready for a challenge and willing to take risks, learn and relearn.PadmoreSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanAm Padmore Bentsil from GhanaAbdenigoSales Force Draw On CommissionAfrica - South SudanSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am selling construction material and food items in Torit Town plus constructed houses . i want to expand business...KennedySales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI AM A MAN AND CAN MAKE GOOD SALES.I HAVE A WAREHOUSE AND A STORE AND MY OWN REGISTERED COMPANY.I CAN WORK AS SALES...KennethSales Force Base SalaryAfrica - South SudanHello There I am a hands on go getter that has their sleeves folded for business. I excel at sales and distribution...PeterSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - South SudanWITH A COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF 10 YEARS IN SALES AND MARKETING WORKING IN OVER 7 COUNTRIES IN VARIOUS SECTORS, AM...More