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OmphileSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaInforcial servicesNompumeleloSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaA determined ,driven sales agent.willing to represent industries of technology, software and other industries.MarthaSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaEnthusiastic and extra. always ready for a challenge and willing to take risks, learn and relearn.PaulIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionAfrica - South AfricaSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moService focused, forward thinking 35 years sales experience and results oriented.ArcadiusSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaWe are honored to seek an opportunity of doing business with your prestigious company. To further explore the possi...EmmanuelleSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - South AfricaSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moHello My name is Emmanuelle Mache Soh, I am a Young vision focus and purpose driven woman. I seek to represent...Jeffry NyounyiSales Agency Base SalaryAfrica - South AfricaSelling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moI am a young and self entrepreneur,seeking for manufacturers and Business organization to serve and this sales...KennedySales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI AM A MAN AND CAN MAKE GOOD SALES.I HAVE A WAREHOUSE AND A STORE AND MY OWN REGISTERED COMPANY.I CAN WORK AS SALES...WahidSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - South AfricaENGINEER, Project manager with 10 years experience in pharma inndustry and F&b (milk and juice), I was agent for a...AnnieSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - South AfricaSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI have been doing rep work from 2010, I did rep work while I studied. I studied media, fashion, makeup artistry...More