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Find Companies > Manufacturers Representative > Manufacturing > Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. > Manufacture of special-purpose machinery > Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production

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JudithManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moSeeking a specialty sales position/account manager in the pharmaceutical, biotech or medical industries that demands...VadymManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....The Representative and Agent service for the foreign Companies in Europe (mainly CIS region Russia, Ukraine, ...)...TimManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....I am a seasoned business development professional. My exceptional time management, organizational skills and a...MikeIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moMidwest Sales Machine, we work with Target, Fingerhut, Kohls and many independent stores. We generate millions in...GrantSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moDustcatchers, Inc., a 40+ year old company seeking to expand its product line and geographic sales market. We are...TamiSales Force Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moMotivated creative Sales profession with 10 years of option sales experience in the high end residential design...SusanSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moSales professional with over 20 years experience in the sale of design and home customized products both residential...SandraSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moWith 15 years of sales experience. More than 10 of sales experience in apparel, and 3 years of experience grocery....KirkSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Seasoned Rep., with loyal, established customer base encompassing entire state of MI. One of my strongest attributes...JonSales Agency Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c....Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moBeing a sales REP means ACTIVELY SELLING and not simply ' Rep-ing' a line on paper. I am an experienced B2B and B2C...More