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SeowSales Force Commission OnlyAsia - KyrgyzstanSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a mature,articulate person with good critical thinking skills.JeetendraSales Rep Commission OnlyAsia - KyrgyzstanInto business, since the last 9 years. And, adding the business of film-making as another portfolio to the same....MehdiSales Rep Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanI am interested in this offer and i want to work from home to make your salesThomasIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAsia - KyrgyzstanSelling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moAdvancing professional Sales representative with 5 + years of sales background, including HVAC systems, security...JerrySales Agency Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanI am a young ambitous small business owner. I am looking for new opportunities. I am very hard working and ready to...NabhanManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionAsia - KyrgyzstanSelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moExperienced Spare parts Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the oil, Machinery, Transportation &...ChristineIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanI have over 8 years medical sales experience as an independent repJeannetteSales Force Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanYour product is a match to an existing demographic I service; Senior Patients in the United States.DauletManufacturers Representative Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanNOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLEGregorySales Force Base SalaryAsia - KyrgyzstanHighlander Machinery Corporation is distinguishing itself as an organization which provides high value solutions and...More