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Find Companies > Manufacturers Representative > Africa > Ethiopia

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MohammedSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaI was graduated in BA in Economics on July 2006 in Mekelle University, Mekelle, and Tigray, Ethiopia. Have been...EsayasSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - EthiopiaI am from Ethiopia who needs to work as sales rep for any company who is looking for sales rep in Ethiopia.FrankSales Agency Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaMy name is Frank Asare Nyadu. I am a Ghanaian, I am 33 years old. I have aquired much experience in sales agency.PadmoreSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaAm Padmore Bentsil from GhanaMarthaSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaEnthusiastic and extra. always ready for a challenge and willing to take risks, learn and relearn.EpolotSales Rep Draw On CommissionAfrica - Ethiopia309YaredSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaAm graduated in manufacturing technology in BSC and in Civil Engineering with BSC having more than 15 years experie...KiburSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaI would like to represent your product and service, especially for government procurement.MohamedSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaI am highly motivated and ambitious person. I possess high levels of self initiative and drive, planning & organizi...MohammedIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - EthiopiaMy name is Mohammed and I live in Virginia, USA. I am looking for a company who is interested to open a reprentative...Kedir ShemshedinSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am looking for a company that needs a commission agent. I have a lot of experience in the matter of advising and...AnemutIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - EthiopiaOUR COMPANY IS A REGISTERED ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING COMPANY WORKING IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTORRedietSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - EthiopiaMy name is Rediet woldesenbet I am mechanical engineer MSc in thermal power engineering in Cuba. I have worked as...WoleIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - EthiopiaThe name of our company is Global Emmalgold Nigeria Limited. Our company is incorporated in Nigeria interested in...KennedySales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - EthiopiaSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI AM A MAN AND CAN MAKE GOOD SALES.I HAVE A WAREHOUSE AND A STORE AND MY OWN REGISTERED COMPANY.I CAN WORK AS SALES...More