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MamiaSales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - Canada - QuebecI’m seeking of a new opportunity for a Technical Sales Representative for chemical division in Montreal ,Quebec. In...RichardIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - Canada - QuebecIndependent cabinet maker with approximately 12 years of outside sales representation.GeoffSales Force Commission OnlyNorth America - Canada - QuebecLooking for opportunities to represent sporting goods in the Quebec marketplace.PascalSales Representative Commission OnlyNorth America - Canada - QuebecI found a society named Aceportation group in Montreal, Canada. At Aceportation group, we are currently selling...FredericSales Force Base SalaryNorth America - Canada - QuebecSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moHello I'm a good person for representation a lot of leadership and very easy going with people and salesStevenSales Agency Commission OnlyNorth America - Canada - QuebecSales Rep looking to sell hot product in my market area. Let me know what you have. Wiring together to build a...JoeSales Force Base SalaryNorth America - Canada - QuebecI have vision of new products in beauty industry,I have been in beauty industry for 30 years, in salon and manufact...JeanSales Force Base SalaryNorth America - Canada - QuebecSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI possess several years of experience as representative and as supervisor for the East of Quebec. Indeed, my profes...SteveSales Force Commission OnlyNorth America - Canada - QuebecSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moWhat are the essential qualities of a great salesperson in your book? Are you looking for someone who possesses...JoseeIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - Canada - QuebecI am real hunter with a sens of ethic and professionnalism.More