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Find Companies > Independent Sales Rep > Agriculture, forestry and fishing > Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities

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BrianIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moProfessional medical sales rep with 20 years expiernece calling on hospitals (all departments), home infusion...JonathanIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moMedical sales professional with over twenty five years experience is seeking independent medical sales opportunities...StephenManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moExperienced jewelry sales rep. with over 30 yrs experience in the jewelry industry looking to find perfect line for...TimSales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moDynamic Business Builder B2B Cold calling machine Good at building value relationships Experience in MRO, Office...NathanSales Force Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moLeading Sales organization to aggressive growth in the competitive health care industry. Strong Management and...VanessaSales Force Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moIam a self employed independent sales rep.I like to represent different companys .my territory is the baltimore...JesseSales Representative Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moMy diverse work experience is comprised of experience in Technology Sales, Sales Management, Computer Systems Suppo...LavellSales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI'm a Account Executive sales Rep.with extensive experience in conducting sales calls,scheduling promotional work...MarniSales Representative Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moA outside salesperson looking for a good line to sell in Plymouth, mass. and surrounding areas. A coastal area....DebiIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moCentral Colorado & Mountain Regions - Remote territories ok. Multi State District Management Experience - Colorado /...RochelleSales Representative Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Seeking outside sales position willing to travel. Ten plus years experience as professional medical electrolysis....LarryIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAgriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAggressive professional with lots of experience in fieldMore


Growing of non-perennial cropsGrowing of perennial cropsPlant propagationAnimal productionMixed farmingSupport activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activitiesHunting, trapping and related service activities