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LeoCall Center Inbound CallsEurope - MonacoOur call center is located in the middle of the Philippines. Currently, we are servicing companies in Australia. We...BramCall Center Outbound CallsEurope - MonacoWith over 400 people on our team worldwide, our company is a leading outsourcing and marketing company providing...UmaLead Generator Outbound CallsEurope - MonacoWe offer Multilingual customer service, technical support, telemarketing and back office support. We specialize in...SpyrosLead Generator Outbound CallsEurope - MonacoProjectX23 Objective is to Build and Develop Clientele in Diversified Industries while Keeping the Cost of Generati...KiransinhLead Generator Inbound CallsEurope - MonacoI need jobArindamCall Center Inbound CallsEurope - MonacoREDUCE COST & GROW BUSINESS PCS DELIVERS EXCELLENT RESULTS BY PROVIDING SMART SOLUTIONS TO IT’S CLIENTS. PCS PROFES...HarryCall Center Outbound CallsEurope - is a online marketplace tailored around companies, we are the best and most reliable payers to our...MichealCall Center Inbound CallsEurope - MonacoWe are 50 seat call center based in indiaAdvertisingLead Generator Outbound CallsEurope - MonacoWe are an outbound calling centre with 20 full time english speaking professional staff.DynanetLead Generator Outbound CallsEurope - MonacoDynaNet is support outsourcing company with offices in New Zealand, Canada, India & USA. We offer Phone Support...More