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MohammadBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaI can help you to build a business with Argentina manufacturers and exporters. I used to live and work in Saudi...LucasBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaI like to develop y new business, also to contact different cultures to introduce new products. Work hard, Honest...WagnerBusiness Developer South America - Argentina26 years experience into Latin America business developing. Textiles, Plastics, beverages a wide range of products.DanielBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaMore than 20 years experience with Fast Moving CPG including beauty, confectionery, otc, and other personal care...DiegoBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaI'm a business developer and want to bring opportunities to sell your product/service in ArgentinaGabrielBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaMechanical Engineer - Industrial Safety - Air Gases Specialist. Food & Pharma Market Knowledge - Cryogenic Apps -...PabloBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaMarketing, strategy and international trade.PabloBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaIndustrial and civil engineering, lot of contacts and experiencieAndresBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaExperienced results oriented Business and Sales Director with proven successes in Consumer products and developing...GuilhermeBusiness Developer South America - ArgentinaSMT - SERVICE MANAGEMENT TRAINING - OCÉ ITC, Venlo / Netherlands SDP - SOLUTION DELIVERY PROCESS - OCÉ ITC, Venlo /...More