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Find Companies > Business Developer > Professional, scientific and technical activities > Scientific research and development > Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities

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HrBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...GIS & CAD Data ServicesSteveBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...We are a Digital Marketing Performance driven agency that "Consistently" turns advertising into profit by sending...MelanieBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...What if I told you that you can live another 200 years. Roweyal shell specialize in the development of life-extensi...JoseBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Extensive management experience in marketing, business,communication, human resources, material, finance and compet...JovanBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...ValueMachariaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Based in East Africa as a program Manager with extensive marketing experience in: 1. Healthcare, public health and...More