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Find Companies > Business Developer > Professional, scientific and technical activities > Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities

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LuisBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...18+ years in sales and business development in Mexico and South America, with extensive experience working and...JoseBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...Extensive management experience in marketing, business,communication, human resources, material, finance and compet...MachariaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...Based in East Africa as a program Manager with extensive marketing experience in: 1. Healthcare, public health and...HenryBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...I'm looking for great value productsPabloBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...Marketing, strategy and international trade.ChensenBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...We are specialized in promoting innovative equipment, material, product and solution to semiconductor and high-tech...MargaridaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...Results driven.ScottBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...We offer affordable business, design, marketing and technology services, solutions and products to other businesses...StanBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...We eliminate trust factor and customer objections up front. Our model is based on free trials of our service in...JenlinBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...Leading design in the industryMore


Activities of head officesManagement consultancy activities