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CarloBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioMy strengths are as follows: I am practical and focused on results. I am forceful in dealing with my commitments.I...DerrickBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioSome people were born to lead. Some people were born to follow. I am a dynamic leader who makes things happen.EricBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioMy uncanny ability to determine if a person wishes to start a conversation with me in the first four seconds of eye...JohnBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioWork hardVivianeBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioI have received all type of awards Presidents etc, My favorite is when I worked in developing Dealer Networks. I...RodBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioI have been an entrepreneur since 1991DavidBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioA dedicated professional who can make the difference on a team and I am looking for a team that pushes the limit of...MBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioI HAVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND HAVING WORKED WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERSSamiraBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioI have creative mind i am interior designerReneBusiness Developer North America - Canada - OntarioExperienced professional - mainly telecom - looking for challengers.More