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VaroshnBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Driven and passionate to succeed, we make things happen. Period.JeromeBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of coal and ligniteI am result oriented and always gets the deal closedAgustinBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresLooking to create an ethical business and growth the business for both sides.SamBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of coal and ligniteMy company sells solar powerGreggBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Other mining and quarryingAFRICAN-AGENTS is a business development agency in Africa with a mission of creating two way trade within various...JesseBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesI am a marketing and sales manager with 18 years of experience in several market segments, industrial, O&G, Food...JesseBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...I am a marketing and sales manager with 18 years of experience in several market segments, industrial, O&G, Food...LionelBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of coal and ligniteWe are a company based in the West Africa and as well in North AMERICA . We help grow businesses by representing...RyanBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesI have proven ability to identify optimal business opportunity, and develop sales marketing strategy by using knowl...IsaacBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresTarget oriented and integrityMore


Mining of coal and ligniteExtraction of crude petroleum and natural gasMining of metal oresOther mining and quarryingMining support service activities