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PatBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesConsultative approach, with big picture strategic planning. Personable and goal oriented.HaroldBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesLooking for more income without leave your actual Job? Are you a seller with great Client's portfolio, want to earn...ErikBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesFinancial sector business developer in China's Guangdong province. Looking to broaden my business into other lines.RogerBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresFounded 3 diverse companies, grew them to become influential in their operational spheres. Grew one to 230 people...MichelleBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresI am a Business Consultant and Coach who helps Business Owners separate themselves from the Competition, diversify...PatrickBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of coal and has the innovative technology that makes social media investigations happen automatically. We can...MichaelBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Other mining and quarryingAn excellent business skill set tried and tested in international business environments.JosephBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresEady going person Always ready To learn new things from people that are better than ME.respect everybody for WHO...NicolaBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Other mining and quarryingI consult with businesses on their sales requirements and perform interim sales manager duties.DeepakBusiness Developer Mining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...I have done my engineering in Electronics and have good communication skills.More


Mining of coal and ligniteExtraction of crude petroleum and natural gasMining of metal oresOther mining and quarryingMining support service activities