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Find Companies > Business Developer > Manufacturing > Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products

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NagarajBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Dynamic go-getter with outstanding success in building & maintaining relationship with customers.Possess strong...EmileBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Being bilingual french and english I can create new markets for my clients.ToniBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Have you been around the world? To make yourself happier? To make something better? We take businesses on the same...JamesBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Results-driven, customer experience-oriented sales and channel leader, with 20 years of experience in technology...JoelBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...I have been applauded for my networking and innovative marketing skills to which I have exceedingly developed while...IsakBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...21 year old Norwegian entrepreneur who has started four very diverse, sucessful companies (some of them mentioned in...AxelleBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Axelle CLEMENT has spent all of her career in the Consumer Electronics field. She has a 16 year of experiences in...SteveBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...40 years of highly successful sales, sales management, marketing, sales agency ownership, expertise in pricing/prof...SrikantBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Cost effective and precisionBijanBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of computer, electronic and...Independent Sales and Channel ConsultingMore


Manufacture of electronic components and boardsManufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentManufacture of communication equipmentManufacture of consumer electronicsManufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment; watches and clocksManufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipmentManufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipmentManufacture of magnetic and optical media