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Find Companies > Business Developer > Manufacturing > Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

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BharaniBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...Relentless, Over-Achieving, Committed, Sales Personal.WemaBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...The go getter attitude within me .FlorianBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...« As specialists in implantable biomaterials for more than 20 years, we invent tomorrow’s solutions with the requir...HusniBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...Taking challenging roles, ability to work independently and in a team, ability to deal with people with different...MisaBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...Mechanical engineer ready to accompany you, conquers the markets of South East Europe and in particular the territo...RicardoBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...We are expert in developing businesses with industrial companies by representing sales of third party products...LucasBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...BilingualDanBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical produc...Many years of contract and direct emploment experience helping companies with their sales and marketingMore


Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary formsManufacture of other chemical productsManufacture of man-made fibres