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SudhirBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaI am B E Mechanical with 21 years of Experience in the Field of Sales and Marketing and worked MNC like Yokogawa...SunnyBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaAfilal & Kumar Consultancy is a professional services firm specialized in International Business Development. If you...NagarajBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaDynamic go-getter with outstanding success in building & maintaining relationship with customers.Possess strong...ManojBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaHard working, Sophisticated personality.W. WayneBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaMore than 35 years of "Hands-On" experience in Asia, new business start-ups, market research, distributor search...SrikantBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaCost effective and precisionChrisBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaWe offer bilateral business development services between the US and select markets. Services are tailored to small...ChiragBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaI have 6 years of experience in selling, marketing, promotion and branding of different products, as I have worked...NareshBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaExcellent platform for Sales executives and Medical representatives who are seriously looking to gear up their sales...CamBusiness Developer Asia - IndiaA Project Manager for SCADA for Power Utility, Oil Pipeline SCADA & Traction Power SCADA expertise for 15 years...More